Utz! Banzai!
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Stomach Condition: Rumbly
It's easy to forget how often and how long I've wanted to go to Europe.
You contemplate it and plan it and hope for it, and then suddenly you're off the plane hearing a French guy yell at you in his native tongue, and you realize you're there. It's extremely strange.
September 28
Moved into new hostel, auspiciously named "Sleep Well." Furnishings nice, but took 6 hours to get into my fucking room. Stupid desk clerk must be fired. Also, showers require one hand to be constantly pressing "on" switch. Truly the devil's hand at work. Wondering what kind of diabolical mastermind they are attempting to foil with this particular item. Probably won't work.
Church of Land's End (cool ass name, true) very pretty. Do people really make pilgrimages to see a two-foot tall stature of Mary in white stone? So she's God's mom, all right... this isn't really her. You can worship in your hometown, you know. Either way, quite well made. Why do all paintings of Jesus make him look like Paul Giamatti in "Sideways"? You're suffering, yes, I get it... could you maybe grimace or something, instead of just staring into the distance? Battery running low on camera now. Still no sign of voltage adapter.
Try to find good place to eat. Don't manage it until 10:30 PM. Very hungry all day. Kebap shops awesome.
Signed up for L5R World Championships at night. Looks like fun. Unfortunately, tournament location in dodgy-looking part of town. Large population of shifty-eyed Muslims.
It's amazing to me the kind of culture of fear that I've been living in. These are just normal people. There aren't many white people around, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be fucking killed. By most indications, this is a run-of-the-mill peaceful neighborhood. Must stop being set on edge by nothing.
September 29
The sky is a veritable tic-tac-toe board of contrails. Seriously, the density of low-flying planes over Belgium is enormous. It's really very pretty against a bright blue autumn sky.
Looking for something to flip off. Nothing presents self.
Head to first day of L5R qualifying matches for World Championships. Doesn't go well. Quite depressed. Have sexy picture of Jenny sitting next to me at all matches, for good luck. Miss her very much. On plus side, very neat meeting people from all over Europe, however briefly. Like speed dating for foreign friends. Spanish guys really are batshit loco. Especially this one tiny guy named Pedro. Like them. Hetrosexually.
Not much to eat while in tournament. Grab plums at open air market on way home. Delicious, but not filling enough. Stop at kebap shop again. Haven't had same thing twice, always great.
September 30
Secondary tournament at L5R World Championships begins today. Goes much better this time, both in the game and socially. Make 'friends' with a number of people, including Canadian named Adrien and Englishman named Alex. Very fun conversations. Tournament is hilarious fun. I place into top 32 for elimination round tomorrow. Very happy. One of the tournament organizers buys drinks for all Crab players (of which I am one). After tournaments end for night, party begins. I have several beers by the end of the night, none of which I pay for.
Talk to American-born Canterbury Social Psychology professor named Roger (part-time employee of tournament organizers). Very interesting views on education.
Talk to Swedish ex-ne'er-do-well named Robert. Big guy with facial hair (succesfully) modeled on Lemi, from Motorhead. Not sure what he does now. Apparently, he used to be a criminal delinquent. Good advice on bar-fighting. Suspect lots of inner pain. Very pleasant, forthright person. Invites to crash at his place in southern Sweden if I'm ever there. Awesome.
American army guy named Walt stationed near Frankfurt makes same offer. He's a bit awkward in a "I'm in puberty, love me" kind of way, but very nice and enthusiastic. Badass.
Reaching point of trip where I question my purpose in traveling and my purpose in life. So soon? Helps to be having fun with folk. Must keep doing that.
Three years of Italian classes finally pay off! Italian man needs help getting around malfunctioning locks in hostel, speaks no English. I actually manage to communicate with him, sound like two year-old, I'm sure. All works out. First major step in learning foreign language(s). Very good. He is funny, bows dramatically upon learning that I'm from United States.
1:00 AM. Bed time.
Progress thus far:
Countries visited: 1
Stupid tourist moments: 4
Monuments flipped off: 3
Free food ganked: 2
Free booze ganked: 5
he which hath no stomach to this fight,
let him depart; his passport shall be made
and crowns for convoy be put into his purse:
we would not die in that man's company
that fears his fellowship to die with us.
-Shakespeare, Henry V
Stomach Condition: Rumbly
It's easy to forget how often and how long I've wanted to go to Europe.
You contemplate it and plan it and hope for it, and then suddenly you're off the plane hearing a French guy yell at you in his native tongue, and you realize you're there. It's extremely strange.
September 28
Moved into new hostel, auspiciously named "Sleep Well." Furnishings nice, but took 6 hours to get into my fucking room. Stupid desk clerk must be fired. Also, showers require one hand to be constantly pressing "on" switch. Truly the devil's hand at work. Wondering what kind of diabolical mastermind they are attempting to foil with this particular item. Probably won't work.
Church of Land's End (cool ass name, true) very pretty. Do people really make pilgrimages to see a two-foot tall stature of Mary in white stone? So she's God's mom, all right... this isn't really her. You can worship in your hometown, you know. Either way, quite well made. Why do all paintings of Jesus make him look like Paul Giamatti in "Sideways"? You're suffering, yes, I get it... could you maybe grimace or something, instead of just staring into the distance? Battery running low on camera now. Still no sign of voltage adapter.
Try to find good place to eat. Don't manage it until 10:30 PM. Very hungry all day. Kebap shops awesome.
Signed up for L5R World Championships at night. Looks like fun. Unfortunately, tournament location in dodgy-looking part of town. Large population of shifty-eyed Muslims.
It's amazing to me the kind of culture of fear that I've been living in. These are just normal people. There aren't many white people around, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be fucking killed. By most indications, this is a run-of-the-mill peaceful neighborhood. Must stop being set on edge by nothing.
September 29
The sky is a veritable tic-tac-toe board of contrails. Seriously, the density of low-flying planes over Belgium is enormous. It's really very pretty against a bright blue autumn sky.
Looking for something to flip off. Nothing presents self.
Head to first day of L5R qualifying matches for World Championships. Doesn't go well. Quite depressed. Have sexy picture of Jenny sitting next to me at all matches, for good luck. Miss her very much. On plus side, very neat meeting people from all over Europe, however briefly. Like speed dating for foreign friends. Spanish guys really are batshit loco. Especially this one tiny guy named Pedro. Like them. Hetrosexually.
Not much to eat while in tournament. Grab plums at open air market on way home. Delicious, but not filling enough. Stop at kebap shop again. Haven't had same thing twice, always great.
September 30
Secondary tournament at L5R World Championships begins today. Goes much better this time, both in the game and socially. Make 'friends' with a number of people, including Canadian named Adrien and Englishman named Alex. Very fun conversations. Tournament is hilarious fun. I place into top 32 for elimination round tomorrow. Very happy. One of the tournament organizers buys drinks for all Crab players (of which I am one). After tournaments end for night, party begins. I have several beers by the end of the night, none of which I pay for.
Talk to American-born Canterbury Social Psychology professor named Roger (part-time employee of tournament organizers). Very interesting views on education.
Talk to Swedish ex-ne'er-do-well named Robert. Big guy with facial hair (succesfully) modeled on Lemi, from Motorhead. Not sure what he does now. Apparently, he used to be a criminal delinquent. Good advice on bar-fighting. Suspect lots of inner pain. Very pleasant, forthright person. Invites to crash at his place in southern Sweden if I'm ever there. Awesome.
American army guy named Walt stationed near Frankfurt makes same offer. He's a bit awkward in a "I'm in puberty, love me" kind of way, but very nice and enthusiastic. Badass.
Reaching point of trip where I question my purpose in traveling and my purpose in life. So soon? Helps to be having fun with folk. Must keep doing that.
Three years of Italian classes finally pay off! Italian man needs help getting around malfunctioning locks in hostel, speaks no English. I actually manage to communicate with him, sound like two year-old, I'm sure. All works out. First major step in learning foreign language(s). Very good. He is funny, bows dramatically upon learning that I'm from United States.
1:00 AM. Bed time.
Progress thus far:
Countries visited: 1
Stupid tourist moments: 4
Monuments flipped off: 3
Free food ganked: 2
Free booze ganked: 5
he which hath no stomach to this fight,
let him depart; his passport shall be made
and crowns for convoy be put into his purse:
we would not die in that man's company
that fears his fellowship to die with us.
-Shakespeare, Henry V
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